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Kevin Wilson of Goldsmiths College asks, what does video streaming mean for the higher education library? About the Author: Kevin Wilson is Subject Librarian for the Institute for Management Studies and...
As we move into a digital age for moving images and people debate whether 'film is dead', the story of Gaumont Sound News echoes similar concerns, frustrations and debates as the advent of a new technology...
Is the BBC truly an impartial public broadcaster? Dr Tom Mills, author of The BBC: Myth of a Public Service, charts a brief history of perceived political bias at the Corporation. About the Author: Dr Tom...
Jean Painlevé (1902-1989) was one of the pioneers in the development of scientific cinema and was one of its great popularisers. Oliver Gaycken, Assistant Professor at University of Maryland looks at the...
Coverage of TV in the Press [caption id="attachment_13210" align="alignleft" width="234" caption="Radio Times' 'Television' cover, 23 October 1936"][/caption] In an age of Web listings, free...
The High Capacity Janet Network is supporting the use of UHD (Ultra High Definition) to enhance teaching, learning and research. Emma Smith, Video Projects Coordinator, Janet, conducts a grand tour. About...
In examining the contribution of Channel 4 (and, by extension, television as a whole) to British film culture, this project has a broad remit, which includes the institutional processes of film buying,...
The Screening Socialism project is the first comparative, transnational study of television cultures in socialist Eastern Europe. Dr Sabina Mihelj, Reader in Media and Cultural Analysis, Loughborough...