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  1. Philosopher Cat: The Green-Eyed Monster (2013 Video)

    Philosopher Cat
    Joe Rubenstein

    Wed-based series which follows the adventures of Roxanne the Russian Blue as she grapples with the basic problems of existence from the confines of a New York City apartment. Assisted by her supercomputer...

    Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare productions Shakespeare productions Online Online
  2. Shakespeare the Philosopher (2007 Radio)

    Philosopher’s Zone, The

    Australian radio series on philosophy presented by Alan Saunders. In this edition Dr Kerry Sanders Lecturer in Philosophy, Centre of Continuing Education University of Sydney and Sydney College of the Arts...

    Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare productions Shakespeare productions To order To order
  3. Love and Wit in Shakespeare’s "Much Ado About Nothing" (2020 Audio)


    Audio podcast. The philosopher Wes Alwan and the poet Erin O’Luanaigh discuss the themes of Shakespeare’s play, its use of imagery and metaphor and what it tells us about courting rituals.

    Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare productions Shakespeare productions Online Online
  4. Shakespeare the Thinker: A Panel Discussion with Harold Bloom, David Bromwich, John Hollander, N.K. Sigmura (2007 Video)

    Yale Centre for British Art Lectures

    Recording of a live performance, October 30, 2007, Yale Center for British Art, New Haven, Connecticut of a panel discussion of William Shakespeare as philosopher.

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  5. Originality (2003 Radio)

    In Our Time
    Sarah Peters

    Radio series in which Melvyn Bragg and guests discuss ideas and events that have influenced modern times. ORIGINALITY debates whether the notion of originality began with the Romantics in the 18th century,...

    Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare productions Shakespeare productions To order To order
  6. Alison Assiter (2015 Audio)

    Shakespeare and Contemporary Theory

    Podcast series in which Dr Neema Parvini, author of Shakespeare’s History Plays: Rethinking Historicism and Shakespeare and Contemporary Theory: New Historicism and Cultural Materialism, interviews...

    Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare productions Shakespeare productions Online Online
  7. Interview with Michael D. Bristol (Audio)

    Shakespeare and Contemporary Theory

    Podcast series in which Dr Neema Parvini, author of Shakespeare’s History Plays: Rethinking Historicism and Shakespeare and Contemporary Theory: New Historicism and Cultural Materialism, interviews...

    Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare productions Shakespeare productions Online Online
  8. Power and Appeal of Shakespeare, The (2021 Television)


    Episode of the Australian TV discussion programme, Q+A. This edition, broadcast live from Sydney, takes questions from students on cultural questions relating and asks the panel to respond. Hosted by Stan...

    Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare productions Shakespeare productions Online Online
  9. How to Measure Pleasure (2011 Television)

    Mick Conefrey
    Loen Kelly; David Paterson

    In a lecture drawn from Professor Michael Sandel’s course on justice, he introduces the British philosopher John Stuart Mill. Mill argued that seeking the greatest good for the greatest number is...

    Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare productions Shakespeare productions To order To order
  10. Hamlet (A Fegyveres Filozofus) (1981 Video)

    aka: Hamlet (The Armed Philosopher)

    Gábor Bódy; János Szikora; Gyorgy Cserhalmi

    Video recording of a stage performance of Hamlet directed by Gábor Bódy, János Szikora and György Cserhalmi with Cserhalmi in the title role.

    Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare productions Shakespeare productions To order To order
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