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Dance. Rehearsal of a dance duet inspired by Macbeth. The action depicts Lady Macbeth persuading Macbeth to murder King Duncan.
Four dances performed by the Limón Dance Company - The Unsung, New Dance, Variations & Conclusion, Phantasy Quintet and The Moor’s Pavane (c23 mins). Francisco Ruvalcaba is the Moor and Jonathan Riedel ,...
Video recording of the dance inspired by The Taming of the Shrew. Music by Scott Joplin and choreography by Louis Falco.
Jose Limon’s ballet danced by the American Dance Company with Limon dancing the role of The Moor.
Three dances by the Limon Dance Company - Champion (Maslow), The Winged (Limon) and The Moor’s Pavane (Limon). The Moor’s Pavane (24 mins) is staged and directed by Sarah Stackhouse and directed and...
Experimental modern dance from the Amsterdam-based company Dansproduktie, choreographed by Phil Griffin and inspired by Venus and Adonis.
A contemporary dance conceived, directed and choreographed by Jane Comfort. Macbeth is presented as a cautionary tale of the 1980s, the piece juxtaposed with Wall Street yuppies and punk rocker witches in a...
A video recording of Catherine Seymour’s contemporary dance first performed in 1993. The connection to Shakespeare’s play beyond the title is unknown (5/2008).
Excerpts from six modern dance works interspered with brief commentary by Limon, including a voiceover introduction to The Moor’s Pavane in which he explains the intentions of his work. Most of the works...
An interpretation of King Lear through percussion music, drumming, and dance.