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Spanish television version of Hamlet with Enric Majo as Hamlet. No production details found (2007).
Feature film version of Romeo and Juliet. Directed by Jose Maria Castellvi; translated into Spanish by Jose Maria Peman.
Film chronicling in comic sketches the history of eroticism and attempts made over the centuries to disguise the human body. Includes an episode about men acting female roles on the Elizabethan stage with a...
Spanish television production of Richard III directed by Manuel Aguado with Eusebio Lázaro as Richard. No further information or role names known (5/2009).
Production for Catalan television of the Teatre Lliure stage production of Timon of Athens directed by Ariel Garcia Valdés. Lluis Homar is Timon.
A version of A Midsummer Night’s Dream adapted for Galician Television by Eduardo Alonso and Manuel Guede. Belén Constenla is Titania and Miguel Pernas is Oberon.
Fiction film. A backstage comedy drama in which an all-male theatre troupe gets together to perform highlights of Othello and other works of Shakespeare. Director Ricardo (Lluís Homar) finds himself...
Hungarian television version of The Comedy of Errors directed by Imre Kerényi. Role names unknown.
Hungarian television production of Romeo and Juliet with Péter Rudolf and Eszter Nagy-Kálóczy in the title roles. No further details known (5/2009).
Production of The Tempest for Hungarian television directed by Horváth Z. Gergely with Mensáros László as Prospero.