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Barley beef, bull beef, traditional beef, dairy beef, the Charolais cross are all terms which should be understood in order to distinguish butcher from butcher or supermarket from supermarket. Explains these...
Shows traditional British cattle breeds in their local environments, as well as native and rare breeds, including the Chillingham Park cattle. Shows how the Aberdeen Angus and the Hereford have developed...
Warren Farm, owned by the Milk Marketing Board, at Lambourn, Berkshire, is one of the largest beef-bull progeny testing centres in the world. Calves sired by bulls at the board’s various studs are...
A video designed to show smallholders the process of preparing beef, lamb and pork carcasses for the freezer.
Seven videos demonstrating the preparation of various cuts of beef. Each stresses the importance and quality of the source animal and the need to maintain the cold chain. Also emphasises safety and hygiene....
Looks at the causes of lameness in dairy cattle, beef and dairy followers, sheep and pigs. Outlines methods of preventing lameness prevention and treatment.
Discusses the impact of the tsetse fly on large areas of Africa, inhibiting agricultural development by preventing beef or diary farming Considers efforts which are being made to combat the pest in Tanzania,...
Outlines the problem of copper deficiency and discusses pathogenesis, clinical signs, treatment and control. Clinical copper deficiency is illustrated in a series of colour slides. The problems of diagnosis...
Describes the life cycle of ‘Ostertagia ostertagi’ and its pathogenesis in terms of the biochemical changes it induces in the abomasal wall. The key factors in epidemiology are related to the various...
This four part series charts the revolution that food production in Britain underwent in the 20th century, and examines the impact this had on the lives of farmers and consumers alike. With episodes focusing...
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