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  1. Hot House People. Part 3: Poor Kids Can Be Geniuses Too (1987 Video)

    Luke Jeans
    Jane Walmsley
    OUT OF DISTRIBUTION, Videocassette. Standard formats. col. 52 min.

    An account of the politically controversial subject of providing gifted children with special educational support. Looks at Hunter College in New York City which, under the leadership of a black woman...

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  2. Final Block: Oil (2 Parts) (1989 Video)

    Ian Spratley
    OUT OF DISTRIBUTION, Videocassette. Standard formats. col. 25, 24 min.

    1: Extracts from a HORIZON programme on North Sea oil technology and a NEWSNIGHT item on the price of North Sea oil. The HORIZON extract shows that North Sea Oil production is at the forefront of available...

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  3. Interact Communication Facility (1995)

    out of distribution, Free to UK higher education institutions

    A utility that controls messages passed between INTERACT simulations and World Wide Web browsers and vice versa. To be used in conjunction with INTERACT simulations to allow communication with the WWW.

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  4. Changemaker, The (1987 Video)

    Business studies
    out of distribution, Videocassette. Standard formats. col. 30 min.

    Graham Day, chairman of the Rover Group, speaks about his professional background, his business philosophy and his approach to company life. Discusses the sense of urgency and purpose required by any...

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  5. Depression: Understanding the Disease (2010)

    Health Education; Mental Health and Counselling
    Sale, DVD (Region 0 PAL, 21 minutes), $240.00

    This programme provides an insight into one of the most common mental illness among adults. Two people who have suffered from depression speak about their experience of the disease and how they sought help....

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  6. Science of Quality (2005)

    Philosophy; Science
    Sale, DVD (Region 2 PAL), £15.00

    Video recordings of three talks forming part of Scumacher College’s ‘Science of Quality’ course. Fritjof Capra explains why Leonardo Da Vinci’s science cannot be understood without his art, and vice...

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  7. Information Technology: A Revolution? (1987 Video)

    John Stratford
    Information technology
    OUT OF DISTRIBUTION, Videocassette. Standard formats. col. 25 min.

    Is society undergoing an information technology revolution or is it a gimmicky phrase manufactured by the media? The issues are addressed by Nick Heap, the course team chairman, Shirley Williams, Christopher...

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  8. Hiroshima and Nagasaki: The Debate Continues (1986 Video)

    Roger Penfound
    Politics & government
    OUT OF DISTSRIBUTION, Videocassette. Standard formats. col. 25 min.

    Discusses the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the end of World War 2 and evaluates what lessons have been learnt to aid the understanding of nuclear weapons in society. Contrasts the size of the...

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  9. Electricity, Nuclear Power and Nuclear Waste (1986 Video)

    Laurence Vulliamy
    Malcolm Nisbet
    OUT OF DISTRIBUTION, Videocassette. Standard formats. col. 36 min.

    Recording of a lecture given by Lord Marshall, chairman of the CEGB, at Eton College in April 1986. Giving his point of view he argues that public apprehension about the radiation risks from nuclear waste is...

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  10. Fabulous Perfect Spring, The (1982 Video)

    OUT OF DISTRIBUTION, Videocassette. Standard formats. col. 23 min.

    Considers periodic solutions of second-order differential equations, focusing on the mathematical methods of solving them and the graphical interpretation of their solutions. The fabulous perfect spring is a...

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