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YouTube has recently added a Shows section to its site which allows users in the UK to watch full-length television programmes free of charge. Companies providing material include BBC Worldwide, Five, The...
AWARDS CATEGORIES General Education and Learning Resource Awards This category is for content delivered as general factual and documentary production that is judged to be valuable for use in...
We have security measures in place at our offices including building access controls. We require visitors to our offices to sign in at reception and keep a record of visitors for a short period of time....
Critical Studies in Television: The Medical Issue (Summer 2016) http://cstonline.tv/ Medical and health programmes have been a broadcasting staple since the early days of television, often providing...
The genres below indicate the type or nature of programme. Many clips will have more than one, in particular news reports often include speeches, press conferences or interviews and longer programmes have...
The Learning on Screen Awards celebrate and reward excellence in the use of moving image and related media in learning, teaching and research. Why should you enter? Enter the Awards to: showcase your...
The Learning on Screen Awards celebrate and reward excellence in the use of moving image and related media in learning, teaching and research. View a list of nominated entries for the 2012 Learning on...
Entries are now open for the Learning on Screen awards 2016. Nominations will be announced February 2016. Benefits of Learning on Screen showcase your work gain recognition for your productions...
The monthly round-up of film and television publications compiled by Simon Baker, Institute of Historical Research and published at Learning on Screen by Jose de Esteban. We say goodbye to 2017 with these...
Preservathon: Audiovisual Preservation Storage Solutions 25 to 26 June 2014 Turin, Italy Rai Museo della Radio www.prestocentre.org/events/preservathon/storage-2014 The PrestoCentre Preservathons are...