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It's difficult enough keeping up with moving image research in dedicated journals such as the Historical Journal of Film, Radio & Television but what about all those interesting ones that slip through...
Shadows of Progress: Documentary Film in Post-War Britain 1951-1977. 2010. GB. DVD. British Film Institute. 851 minutes + extras (42minutes). £34.99 About the reviewer: Dr James Mansell is Assistant...
Viewfinder 78 was published in March 2010 and includes the supplement Media Online Focus (download MOF issue 39 in PDF format here). Contents of this issue: INTERNET PROTOCOL TV Internet Protocol...
The Birkbeck Institute of the Moving Image presents: Cinema and Human Rights Day Saturday 14th March, 2015, 10.00.a.m- 5.00.p.m Birkbeck Gordon Square Cinema 43 Gordon Square London WC1H 0PD...
For the week ending 8 July 2011 the most requested titles from the BUFVC Off-Air Back-Up Service include such varied topics as dance, housing, young offender's institutions and the history of the NHS as well...
For the week ending 29 April 2011 the most requested titles from the BUFVC Off-Air Back-Up Service include Jane Austen in traditional and post modern colourings as well as the science behind the Tsunami that...
The InView resource is a collaboration between Jisc and the British Film Institute, delivering hundreds of hours of material from the BFI Film and TV Archives. Patrick Russell looks at the aims of the...
The BUFVC Moving Image Gateway includes over 1,400 websites relating to video, multimedia and sound materials. These have been subdivided into over 40 subject areas. To suggest new...
For the week ending 8th February 2013 the most requested programmes from the BUFVC Off-Air Back-Up Service included coverage of such topics as colour, entrepreneurship, law and social housing. 1. SECRET...