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The audio-visual archives of the BBC contain a wealth of material gathered since it was founded in the 1920’s but it remains largely inaccessible, held on film or videotape and indexed to serve the needs...
Enter here Entry deadline: 5pm on Friday 11 January 2019. Nominations will be announced by the end of February 2019. Online Education Resource Award Any educational resource that is...
Michael Darlow is a television director, writer and producer, who has also worked in theatre and film. He writes about television, theatre and film and also about rare breed Soay sheep. We interviewed...
[caption id="attachment_324" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="David Hare in conversation. Image courtesy Museo Reina Sofia "][/caption] David Hare’s Page Eight, which premiered at the Edinburgh...
With the recent unprecedented multi-platform release (5th July 2013) of Ben Wheatley’s A Field in England, which has been variously described as “a psychedelic Western” (Sound on Sight), “a...