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[caption id="attachment_348" align="alignleft" width="170" caption="Image courtesy of Chris John Beckett"][/caption] With the critical and box-office success of Tomas Alfredson's Tinker, Tailor, Soldier,...
Digital Disruption: Cinema Moves On-line edited by Dina Iordanova and Stuart Cunningham (St Andrews Film Studies, 2012). 223 pages. ISBN 9780956373076 (paperback) £19.99. About the author: Dr William Brown...
Michael Darlow is a television director, writer and producer, who has also worked in theatre and film. He writes about television, theatre and film and also about rare breed Soay sheep. We interviewed...
On 22 February 2017, we held ‘Television Drama: Archives, Access and Research’ in collaboration with the BFI and Royal Holloway, University of London. The conference, held at the BFI Southbank, brought...
100 Science Fiction Films by Barry Keith Grant (Palgrave Macmillan / British Film Institute, 2013). 216 pages. ISBN 978-1844574575 (paperback). £16.99 About the reviewer: James Chapman is Professor of Film...
The 1960s in Britain is remembered as a time of great change, not least at the cinema. But how did this all come about? Laura Mayne previews a new three-year AHRC project studying the phenomenon. ...