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  1. Ronald Reagan on Korean Air Lines Flight 007 (1983)


    US President Ronald Reagan on the shooting down of a South Korean airliner (Korean Air Lines Flight 007) by Soviet jet interceptors after it strayed into Soviet airspace due to a navigational error (01/09/83).

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  2. UDR attack kills four - Fire chief’s response (1983)


    Chief fire officer Noel Brown on the death of four Ulster Defence Regiment (UDR) members who died in an IRA bomb attack on the road from Omagh to Ballygawley in County Tyrone (13/07/83). Male interviewer...

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  3. Stephen Waldorf shooting - Eyewitness account (1983)


    Unidentified male speaker gives an eyewitness account of the shooting of 26 year-old film editor Stephen Waldorf in his car by London Metropolitan Police officers (14/01/83) after he was mistaken for escaped...

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  4. Peter Taafe on his expulsion from Labour Party (1983)


    Peter Taaffe on the expulsion of five socialists (including himself) from the Labour Party on the eve of the Bermondsey by-election (24/02/83). Male interviewer not identified.

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  5. Stephen Waldorf shooting - Eyewitness account (1983)


    Unidentified male speaker gives an eyewitness account of the shooting and subsequent assault of 26 year-old film editor Stephen Waldorf in his car by London Metropolitan Police officers (14/01/83) after he...

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  6. General election - Michael Foot at end of campaign (1983)


    Interview with Labour Party leader Michael Foot on 08/06/83 at the end of campaigning in the 1983 General Election. Female interviewer not identified (poss. Judith Dawson).

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  7. Colin Roach inquest (1983)


    Interview with a male representative for Hackney Council’s Police Committee (not identified - poss. Brynley Heaven) about the inquest into the death of Colin Roach while in custody at Stoke Newington...

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  8. General election - Roy Jenkins on results (1983)


    Interview with SDP leader Roy Jenkins on 10/06/83 about the results of the 1983 General Election and future for the Alliance. Female interviewer not identified (poss. Judith Dawson). Background noise.

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  9. National Front meeting - Tottenham demonstration (1983)

    News report; Interview

    Report on demonstrations against a controversial meeting by the National Front at a school in Tottenham, north London (03/05/83). Includes interview with Police Commander James Dickenson(?). Male reporter...

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  10. WWII bomb discovery near Waterloo Bridge (1983)


    Interview about the discovery of an unexploded Second War War bomb near Waterloo Bridge in London (11/04/83). Male speaker not identified. Male interviewer not identified (poss. Christopher Hourmouzious).

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
71-80 of 175 results | Page 8 of 18
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