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31-40 of 223 results | Page 4 of 23
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  1. Ronald Reagan response to Libyan attacks (1986)

    News report; Press conference

    A series of clips in which US President Ronald Reagan speaks to the press. He brands Libyan leader Colonel Gaddafi, The Mad Dog of the Middle East. He also claims that the USA has been aware of the identity...

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  2. Ronald Reagan press conference (1984)

    News report; Press conference

    Andrew Manderstam reports on a press conference given at the White House by US President Ronald Reagan. Includes excerpts from the conference, on various issues.

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  3. Reagan endorses Bush as his successor (1988)

    Interview; News report; Speech

    US President, Ronald Reagan has formally endorsed Vice-President George H.W. Bush as his successor, accepting him as the Republican Party nominee in the Presidential elections. Andrew Manderstam reports from...

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  4. Preview of US-Soviet meeting (1984)

    News report; Speech

    Report on the upcoming meeting between Andrei Gromyko, the Minister for Foreign Affairs for the Soviet Union and US President Ronald Reagan in the US. With President Reagan announcement. Andrew Manderstam...

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  5. Ronald Reagan’s state of the union speech (1983)

    Interview; News report

    Report on US President Ronald Reagan’s State of the Union speech which will be broadcast live and what it may contain. Democratic Congressman Tony Coelho talks about the Democrats pre-recorded response....

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  6. Martial law in Poland - Reagan speech (1981)

    News report; Speech

    Andrew Manderstam reports on a speech by US President Ronald Reagan, condemning the implementation of martial law in Poland and the collusion of the Soviet Union in the crackdown on the Solidarity trade...

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  7. Ronald Reagan on missile agreement (1983)

    Speech; News report

    Andrew Manderstam reports on a speech by US President, Ronald Reagan (in Los Angeles) on the possibility of an agreement with the Soviet Union on the limiting of medium-range nuclear weapons. Includes...

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  8. Reagan calls for aid to Central America (1984)

    News report; Speech

    Andrew Manderstam reports on a speech by US President Ronald Reagan (with excerpts) on need for more military and financial aid from the USA to Central America to prevent Communist regimes spreading.

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  9. USA and Soviets close to breakthrough, says Reagan (1986)

    News report; Speech

    Andrew Manderstam reports on a speech by US President, Ronald Reagan in which he said the Soviet Union is close to a breakthrough in arms reduction. In an excerpt, he says an atmosphere exists between the...

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  10. US Presidential election - Reagan foreign policy (1980)

    News report; Speech; Interview; Election coverage

    Andrew Manderstam reports on the likely changes in foreign policy and stance on hostages and terrorism after the victory of Republican candidate Ronald Reagan in the 1980 US Presidential election. Speaking...

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
31-40 of 223 results | Page 4 of 23
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