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  1. MI5 reveals information about its objectives (1993)

    News report; Interview

    Report on the campaign by MI5 to make itself more open to the public with a brochure listing its main roles and budget and head of MI5 Stella Rimington poses for cameras (heard). Comment from Professor Peter...

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  2. York University smoking report (1995)


    Interview with Dr Stella Lowrie, British Medical Association welcoming a report from the University of York which says that quitting tobacco smoking is good for the economy.

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  3. York University smoking report (1995)


    Interview with Dr. Stella Lowrie, British Medical Association, about a report from the University of York which says that quitting tobacco smoking is good for the economy. Predicts what families may buy...

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  4. Lloyd’s losses (1995)


    Interview with Stella Gibb, former Name at Lloyd’s of London (insurance underwriters), on future prospects for the company despite losses of one point one billion pounds for 1992; on new company to be...

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  5. John Stalker reinstated (1986)

    Press conference

    Deputy Chief Constable of Greater Manchester Police, John Stalker, was accused of consorting with known felons. He has since won an appeal to keep his job, and here his wife, Stella, comments on her delight...

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  6. York University smoking report (1995)


    Interview with Dr. Stella Lowrie, British Medical Association, about a report from the University of York which says that quitting tobacco smoking is good for the economy. Comments on loss of jobs it would...

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  7. Falklands war- Peruvian stance (1982)


    Telephone interview with Peruvian Foreign Minister Javier Arias Stella about his proposal for peace in the Falklands war and Peruvian support for the Argentine claim of sovereignty. Male interviewer not...

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  8. Intelligence service (1994)


    Speech (by Stella Rimington, Director-General of MI5?) on the security service; its role; the numbers of Russian intelligence officers in the UK; the threat of terrorism especially form the provisional IRA;...

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  9. Michael Howard on role and secrecy of MI5 (1993)


    Interview with Home Secretary Michael Howard following MI5 publishing a brochure in a bid for openness. On the information made available, speculates on future openness to the public, and on not allowing...

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  10. London parks bombs (1982)

    News report; Interview

    Report on an IRA double bombing aimed at British ceremonial military targets in Hyde Park and Regent’s Park in London (20/07/82). Speaking are: Stella O’Connell, eyewitness; Chester Stern, Metropolitan...

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
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