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  1. Mystery of the Left Hand (1985 Video)

    Robin Brightwell
    OUT OF DISTRIBUTION, Videocassette. Standard formats. col. 50 min.

    Investigates the theory developed by Professor Geschwind of Harvard University, one of the world’s leading experts on the brain, that left-handed people are a ‘race apart’. He believes that...

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  2. Left-Handed Children: A Guide for Teachers and Parents (1998 Video)

    Mark Stewart
    Education; Psychology
    Sale, Videocassette. VHS. col. 20 min., 2001 sale: £9.99 (inclusive)

    Provides guidance on strategies that can be used to help left-handed children overcome difficulties they experience in performing tasks such as writing. Includes information about left-handed equipment,...

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  3. Tahar Ben Jalloun: Moorish Fantasies on the Left Bank (1992 Video)

    Greg Lanning
    Tariq Ali
    Sale, Videocassette. VHS. col. 40 min.

    Profiles Tahar Ben Jelloun, a Moroccan novelist whose controversial work has won the French Prix Goncourt. Ban Jelloun is interviewed in Paris and extracts of his work are dramatised.

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  4. Cinematographic Study of the Function of the Mitral Valve in Situ, A (1952 Film)

    Entol Herskocitz; Elliot S Hurwitt; Adrian Kantowitz
    Film (16mm)

    Shows in slow-motion the movements of the mitral ring and valve through atrial and ventricular openings in the dog heart, which is left bloodless in the left chambers.

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  5. Whither Labour?: Stewart Wood on the Future of the Left in Britain (2016)

    Stewart Wood
    Politics & government

    Following the Labout Party leadership election, Lord Stewart Wood speaks about the party’s future. Wood has been a Labour peer since 2011 and served in Ed Miliband’s Shadow Cabinet. He held an advisory...

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  6. Brave Hearts (1996 Video)

    John Hayes-Fisher; Emma Walker
    Medical sciences
    Sale, Videocassette. Standard formats. col. 30 min., 1997 sale: £65.00 (+VAT +p&p)

    Looks at a controversial new technique for heart surgery, pioneered by Dr Randas Batista in Brazil in 1994. Having discovered that diseased human hearts often have an enlarged left ventricle, his solution...

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  7. Movements of the Ureter (1952 Film, Video)

    Medical sciences; Veterinary science
    Sale, Video cassette. VHS. st. col. 7 min.

    The left ureter, left kidney and bladder in a rabbit are exposed by laparotomy; the urine is darkened by injecting a dye (indigo carmine) into an ear vein, so that its passage along the ureter can be readily...

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  8. Sturge-Weber Syndrome (1947 Film, Video)

    Medical sciences
    Film (16mm)

    A child aged three has capillary naevi all over his body but there are more of them on the right side. He has a left homonymous hemianopia and a left hemiparesis which affects his face, arm and leg. The...

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  9. Matthew Taylor - Left Brain, Right Brain: Human Nature and Political Values (2009)

    Politics & government; Psychology

    Video recording of a lecture given at the RSA London on 29 October 2009 in which Matthew Taylor explores how brain and behaviour research is increasingly being incorporated into political and policy debate....

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  10. Seeing in the Dark (1992 Video)

    Breda Beban; Hrvoje Horvatic; Bill Viola
    Art; Media studies
    out of distribution, Videocassette. U-matic, VHS. col. 2 x 65 min.

    Two programmes of video art, revolving around major video pieces by Bill Viola and Breda Beban/Hrvoje Horvatic. Part 1: THE PASSING and ANTHEM by Bill Viola; part 2: THE LEFT HAND SHOULD KNOW and selected...

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