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Cardiff sciSCREEN (www.cardiffsciscreen.co.uk/) is a cross-disciplinary programme that promotes engagement between science and the academy through audio-visual media. Dr Andrew Bartlett, Cardiff University,...
Cardiff sciSCREEN is a cross-disciplinary programme that promotes engagement between science and the academy through audio-visual media, using special screenings of new film releases to draw on a range of...
The Kinonedelja - Online Edition in the Austrian Film Museum brings together the earliest work of Russian film director and theoretician Dziga Vertov. We provide a guide to the Museum’s Vertov collection,...
Coverage of TV in the Press [caption id="attachment_13210" align="alignleft" width="234" caption="Radio Times' 'Television' cover, 23 October 1936"][/caption] In an age of Web listings, free...
In the wake of the interest around Film4 productions such as Richard Ayoade’s Submarine and Joe Cornish’s Attack the Block, a recent Guardian article by Jane Graham identifies what she sees as a...