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Conspiracy Documentaries Conspiracy Documentaries was set up in 2009 to provide a 1-stop source for the best conspiracy documentaries on the net. All films are free to watch and are sorted into categories...
In October the latest batch of revisions to British Copyright law flowing from the Hargreaves review finally came into effect. Jason Miles-Campbell, formerly Jisc Legal Manager, looks ahead and asks,...
The entire archive of the BBC World Service is being made available online. Tristan Ferne and Mark Flashman, BBC Research & Development, look at some of the challenges involved. About the authors:...
Explore the history of women in British film and television production with our interactive timeline. [timeline_multiple title="ACT/T Timeline"] 1927 Cinematograph Films Act The Cinematograph Films Act...
About the Author: Iain Borden is Professor of Architecture and Urban Culture at the Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL, where he is also Vice-Dean for Communications for the Bartlett Faculty of the Built...
Kevin Wilson of Goldsmiths College asks, what does video streaming mean for the higher education library? About the Author: Kevin Wilson is Subject Librarian for the Institute for Management Studies and...
Michael Darlow is a television director, writer and producer, who has also worked in theatre and film. He writes about television, theatre and film and also about rare breed Soay sheep. We interviewed...