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Frazer Ash, Digital Transfer Manager for Learning on Screen, reports on our off-air digitisation project and the valuable archive television content that will be made available in BoB. With over 1 million...
Filmed warfare was a new phenomenon at the time of the First World War and it was months before the British authorities allowed cameramen up to the front line. David Walsh of the Imperial War Museum...
The BUFVC Moving Image Gateway includes over 1,650 websites relating to video, multimedia and sound materials. These have been subdivided into over 40 subject areas. To suggest new entries or amendments,...
In the light of the acceptance by government of the recommendations made by the Hargreaves Review of Intellectual Property, what are the potential benefits to education? Emily Goodhand considers this in...
Women’s Film History Network-UK/Ireland is an emerging organization open to anyone committed to investigating women's film history from its early days to the recent past. About the author: Professor...
The BUFVC occupies a unique and long-standing role in the innovative use of ICT in research related to moving image & sound, bridging academia, creative industries and technology. We work in...
Dr Melanie Bell-Williams provides an overview of a new research project on the history of women’s contribution to British film and television production. About the author: Dr Melanie Bell-Williams is...
Why are stars often called ‘gods’ or ‘goddesses’? How was antiquity used to boost the image of the developing film industry and its stars? What does this historical association tell us about...
The BUFVC provides a vital service to its 258 members, as well as a number of public resources. The BUFVC connects teachers, learners and researchers with moving image and sound content and its staff deal...