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In the late 1920s David Lean started out as a tea boy/runner at Gaumont's studios at Lime Grove, Shepherd's Bush. After a variety of jobs he finally helped to cut an early sound feature film directed by...
Earth in Vision is an AHRC funded project based in the Open University Geography Department, and runs from October 2013-September 2016. Joe Smith, Kim Hammond and George Revill from The Open University...
Students at the College of West Anglia have been using SpringboardTV, an award-winning online community broadcasting resource. Course Director Anthony Barnett and some of his students outline the project’s...
Until the 1990s, the majority of British TV was shot on video in the studio, with film used only for exterior sequences. What impact did physical space have on both changing modes of production and...
With the British Library’s recently concluded audio project, the UK SoundMap, curation meets crowd-sourcing. Chris Clark, the project manager, discusses the challenges. About the Author: Chris Clark was...
This new project aims to co-produce a new open ‘access’ digital resource that facilitates engagement with, and use of, public archival material online. Daniel H. Mutibwa and Fiona Philip help join the...
What is the London Broadcasting Company / Independent Radio News [LBC/IRN] Project? The project is funded by the Joint Information Systems Committee [JISC] digitisation programme and managed by The Media...
First screened on British television in October 1973, the documentary series The World at War proved to be a milestone in the history of ITV. Professor James Chapman explores its roots and its critical...
This is an ‘interim report’ by Dr Sheldon Hall, Sheffield Hallam University, on his long-term project on the history of the showing of feature films on British television, covering virtually the entire...
Michael Darlow is a television director, writer and producer, who has also worked in theatre and film. He writes about television, theatre and film and also about rare breed Soay sheep. We interviewed...