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A new resource aims to encourage and build an understanding and appreciation of moving images, in all forms, for those in full-time education. Its co-founder, Ian Wall, fills in the blanks. Putting film...
Screening European Heritage: History on Film, the Heritage Sector and Cultural Policy About the Authors: Dr Axel Bangert (University of Cambridge) has research interests in the fields of film and history,...
Stephen Engelhard is the founder of Angel Productions, and produces and directs its videos for universities. He explains how The PhD Survival Video was produced. About the author: Stephen Engelhard has a...
The Lure of the Big Screen: Cinema in Rural Australia and the United Kingdom by Karina Aveyard (Intellect Press, 2015) 182 pages, ISBN: 978-1783203826 (hardback), £49 About the reviewer: Dr Jonathan...
One of the main sources of copyright-cleared moving images, still images and sound for use in UK Further and Higher Education is set to include a major collection of engineering videos. Rick Loup welcomes...
The Radical Film Network: Sustaining Alternative Film Culture: Dr Steve Presence gives us an insight into the RFN's beginnings and upcoming projects and festivals. About the Author: Dr Steve Presence is...
A Licence to be Different: The Story of Channel 4 by Maggie Brown (BFI Publishing, October 2007), 368 pages, ISBN: 9781844572052 (paperback), £16.99; ISBN: 978-1844572045 (hardback), £50.00 Channel 4: The...
The Enlightening Science Project was established to create an educational resource to inform and engage users on the core concepts behind Isaac Newton's scientific achievement. Professor Rob Iliffe provides...
A vivid visual reconstruction can help to express the complex findings of archaeologists and historians in an accessible, engaging way. Dr Matthew Nicholls, University of Reading, presents his own work in...
A new digital resource from the BUFVC brings together the first twenty years of the ground-breaking pre-broadcast information packages from Channel 4 online (http://bufvc.ac.uk/tvandradio/c4pp). Linda Kaye,...