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The Imperial War Museum’s Student Film Festival, to be renamed the 'IWM Short Film Festival', will return in 2014 after the IWM's closure for major refurbishment. Toby Haggith, Senior Curator in the...
The British Universities Film & Video Council were pleased to receive the following entries to the 2011 Learning on Screen Awards: 303 Squadron Fish in a Bottle for Channel 4 The Abbey Road...
[caption id="attachment_365" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Courtesy Sander Spolspoel under CC Licence."][/caption] Ahead of a visit to Pinewood Studios today, David Cameron has said that the film...
This is a roundup of new print publications available from this December. For details on how to order these titles, please click on the book covers or the links to the respective publishers. ...
Channel Four had, the IBA noted, ‘from time to time transmitted important but often difficult films – generally from abroad – which have occasionally pressed very close to the absolute limits of...
The British Universities Film & Video Council were pleased to receive the following entries to the Learning on Screen Awards 2013: 3, 2, 1…GO! BBC for BBC Two Learning Zone Director: Suzy Boyles...
On 7 October 2008 the University of Oxford launched its podcast site on iTunes U. Four years and more than 4,000 audio and video podcasts later and Oxford's iTunesU website has had more than 18 million...