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The BUFVC Moving Image Gateway is a growing database of infpormation on over 1,000 audio and video websites relating to all academic disciplines. Here are some of the latest updates to the site, which can be...
The EUscreen project has recently taken steps to expand the scope of its aim to provide unified access to large integrated digital collections related to European television history. By implementing the...
Digital Disruption: Cinema Moves On-line edited by Dina Iordanova and Stuart Cunningham (St Andrews Film Studies, 2012). 223 pages. ISBN 9780956373076 (paperback) £19.99. About the author: Dr William Brown...
Digital Disruption: Cinema Moves On-line Edited by Dina Iordanova and Stuart Cunningham (St Andrews Film Studies), 223 pages ISBN: 978-0956373090 (hardback), £35 ISBN: 978-0956373076 (paperback),...
The entire archive of the BBC World Service is being made available online. Tristan Ferne and Mark Flashman, BBC Research & Development, look at some of the challenges involved. About the authors:...
The advent of Open Education Resources (OERs) has seen a significant change in higher education practice. Professor Martin Weller tracks its development and previews his forthcoming OER Research Hub...
Women’s Film History Network-UK/Ireland is an emerging organization open to anyone committed to investigating women's film history from its early days to the recent past. About the author: Professor...
The Kinonedelja - Online Edition in the Austrian Film Museum brings together the earliest work of Russian film director and theoretician Dziga Vertov. We provide a guide to the Museum’s Vertov collection,...
As Channel 4 draws the curtain on the eleven-year success of the Big Brother franchise, it continues to reap the rewards of being the producer of some of the most popular shows on television, including...