Project Enriched Playlists

Duration: April – August 20142013_Jisc_Logo_RGB72-2

Funded by: Jisc

Partner(s): Jisc

Key objectives:

The aim of this Jisc-funded project is to discover ways in which the moving image, audio and stills collections within Jisc MediaHub might be developed for Higher Education (HE) into ‘enriched playlists’ (supported by contextual documentation) to aid students, lecturers, researchers, and information professionals in their work. For example, a War Reportage enriched playlist – created either by a subject expert and / or by the user themselves – might include relevant clips and stills from news broadcasts and agencies showing how the Iraq War was reported which could be used on war studies, history or journalism courses.

The first phase of the project will be a research exercise (currently underway) to understand and document how MediaHub users may want to use and manage its moving image, audio and stills collections. It is then anticipated that a range of enriched playlists will be created ready-made for use across the education sector and that tools will be created for MediaHub users to build their own playlists.

BUFVC involvement / Project outcomes:Enriched playlists

Jisc has commissioned BUFVC to carry out research to help Jisc:

  • validate the proposition that enriched playlists of content in Jisc MediaHub will be useful, educational, or adding value in some other way; and have the potential to increase usage of Jisc MediaHub
  • establish the nature of enriched playlists that best address the goals described
  • understand how many enriched playlists it will be suitable to create in a development phase
  • establish a content specification for the enriched playlists

About Jisc MediaHub

HEFCE, Jisc and Jisc Collections have made a considerable investment in the acquisition of moving and still images collections. The Jisc MediaHub Service provides access to these collections. Through this service, users can access a wealth of film and images, covering political, cultural and social history. These collections have been licensed from Imperial War Museum, Getty, ITN, Reuters News, amongst others. The material in JISC MediaHub is copyright cleared for educational use and can be used in online courses. To find out more and to explore the collections please visit the Jisc MediaHub

Staff contacts:

Hetty Malcolm-Smith, Project Manager (Content only), Project Enriched Playlists Research, email, tel: + 44 (0)20 7393 1520

Related links:

Jisc MediaHub

BUFVC website

Jisc Collections