Friday Gateway Getaway

Here are 5 more BUFVC Moving Image Gateway entries that we entered or edited in the last week.

Archival Sound Recordings
This British Library Sound Archive online resource comprises 40,000 selected recordings of music, spoken word, and human and natural environments. Anyone can search or browse the information on this site and listen to 23,000 of the recordings, but for copyright reasons only people in licensed UK higher and further education institutions, or in the BL’s reading rooms, can play the remaining recordings. Downloading is available in licensed institutions. The collections to be featured are popular music tracks (mostly British bands from the 1930s to 1990s), African Writers’ Club (250 hours on art, literature, music and politics), Art and design interviews (e.g. Denys Lasdun, Eduardo Paolozzi, Paula Rego), Beethoven String Quartets (750 recordings from the last 100 years), David Rycroft Africa recordings (music and poetry, mainly from Southern Africa), Klaus Wachsmann Uganda recordings (1,500 recordings from 26 culture groups), Oral history of jazz in Britain (with musicians, promoters and label-owners), Records and record players (developments in recording technology), Sony Radio Awards – drama (every short-listed play 1986-1997), Soundscapes (evocative environmental sounds from Great Britain and Canada) and St Mary-le-Bow public debates (e.g. John Betjeman, Jonathan Miller, Diana Rigg). The project as been funded as part of the JISC digitisation Programme.

BBC Film Network
Film Network is the BBC’s interactive showcase for new British filmmakers, screening three new short films in broadband quality every week and adding to a growing catalogue. The site allows people to comment on and rate films and also provides filmmakers with tools to create online profiles and exchange tips, advice and ideas. The purpose is to expose new talent and create a platform for some great films that are rarely seen elsewhere. Around a third of the films featured on Film Network are submitted directly to the site and selected by the in-house team. The remaining films are selected in partnership with other organisations and experts who are invited to curate programmes of shorts. These include distributors, festivals and competitions. The site is searchable by genre (animation, drama, series, comedy, experimental, documentary, music); distributor (Autour de Minuit, Network Ireland TV, Dazzle, Onedotzero, Futureshorts); festival/competition (over 30 different ones); film school/university (Royal College of Art, Edinburgh College of Art, National Film & Television School).

EUROPA – Europe by Satellite
The European Union’s TV news agency Europe by Satellite (EbS) is a service providing coverage of EU affairs for TV and radio professionals, using Real. The programmes are available live in German, French and English. The archive section allows access in several more languages. An effective back-up service is also available in the web archive, which allows emergency meetings and press conferences to be retransmitted. Additional information includes detailed schedules of politcal broadcasts and re-transmissions. Links to other websites, and information on use and access are also provided in a comprehensive and easy to understand manner. A huge advantage of this website is that material may be used free of charge and free of rights for educational purposes. .

United Nations Webcast
This site offers streamed versions of the UN daily briefings, its special events (archived) and reports on UN activities around the globe. The archives go back to 2001 and are organised chronologically.

Web of Stories
Previously known as People’s Archive is a service “dedicated to collecting for posterity the stories of the great thinkers and creators of our time”. Currently it features detailed interviews with biologists, filmmakers, physicists, mathematicians and craftsmen from various fields. Oddly all the interview subjects were initially male currently, but presumably this was coincidental and is slowly being addressed – currently there are interviews with Diana Athill (see extract below), Dorothy Hodgkin, Paula Rego, Denise Scott Brown and Gitta Sereny. The archive currently contains over 200 items totaling over 100 hours. The clips have been very well encoded. A well organised resource which is very effectively segmented, it offers good transcriptions of all interviews and provides valuable oral histories. Subdivided into Remarkable People and Great Lives, with the latter organised into: Arts, Politics and Science.

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