New additions to the Moving Image Gateway

Learning on Screen’s Gateway includes 2,000 websites relating to moving image and sound materials. These have been subdivided into over 40 subject areas. To suggest new entries or amendments, please contact us by email or telephone (020 7393 1500).

Chris Marker
Beautifully designed and extremely informative site about the enigmatic French filmmaker Chris Marker, featuring essays, clips, filmographies, bibliographies, and news, as well as information about festivals, DVD and Blu-Ray releases.

Department of Chemical Engineering, Imperial College London
YouTube channel featuring videos from the Department of Chemical Engineering, Imperial College London. The site features lectures, illustrated with slides and diagrams, as well as shorter videos on a range of subjects, from molecular fluid dynamics and flow chemistry to the engineering of molecular systems and carbon capture technology.

TES Maths Podcast
Hosted by Craig Barton, the TES adviser for secondary maths, these podcasts feature the latest mathematical news, reviews and interviews with special guests from the world of maths. The podcast seems to be aimed at teachers, rather than students, featuring discussions about teaching and learning, the maths curriculum, the use of technology in maths teaching, and new developments such as flipped learning.

Teletext Art Research Lab
This site is dedicated to the preservation, celebration and analysis of Teletext, the television information service introduced to British television in 1974 and familiar to UK viewers as Ceefax on the BBC and Oracle on ITV. Featuring a podcast, articles, archived pages from the service, and even an application that allows you to create your own Teletext page, the site is a labour of love, the pinnacle of which is a teletext time machine: a fully interactive Ceefax service for the 20th July 1979.

White Feather Diaries
This site is the result of a project undertaken by the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) about the conscientious objectors of the First World War. It tells the stories of five young people who opposed World War I and, through diary entries, films, and other contextual material (such as contemporary newspaper stories and the transcripts of tribunals) recounts their experiences from the outbreak of war, to the introduction of conscription and the legislation which recognised conscientious objection. The audiovisual material which accompanies the project include plays, documentaries, audio clips and other useful teaching resources.

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