Moving Image Gateway: Alan Clarke at the BBC plus Africa, Chemistry & Philosophy

This Gateway includes over 1,900 websites relating to moving image and sound materials. These have been subdivided into over 40 subject areas. To suggest new entries or amendments, please contact us by email or telephone (020 7393 1500).

British Television Drama
Blog with a scholarly bent devoted to British television drama, ‘from its earliest days to the present day.’ An entire section is devoted to the BBC’s Play For Today, consisting of a chronological list of plays, with credits, stills where available, and essays/interviews about individual plays by David Rolinson (who is the site’s creator) and others. An essay on Alan Clarke, which makes particular reference to his Play for Today work has been updated to mention the BFI’s 2016 DVD and Blu-Ray release ‘Dissent and Disruption’, a collection of surviving stand-alone BBC TV dramas that Alan Clarke directed between 1969 and 1989. Other material on Clarke is available on this mini-site

African Arguments
A bi-weekly podcast which explores African politics, economics and culture. It feature contributions from a variety of guests and deals with individual African countries as well as matters relevant to the entire continent. Sponsored by the Royal African Society.

Beautiful Chemistry
Visually inventive site that uses the latest camera technology to capture ‘the most beautiful’ chemical structures and chemical reactions. Divided into four sections – Elements, History, Reactions and Structure – the site is aimed at educating the general public and is a collaboration between University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) and Tsinghua University Press (TUP).

Radio Open Source
A lively and wide-ranging American arts, literature and current affairs podcast hosted by journalist Christopher Lydon. Four broad categories – ‘Words’, ‘Ideas’, ‘Abroad’ and ‘Arts and Music’ – cover interviews and discussions on a variety of topics, from Hannah Arendt and the banality of evil to critic Helen Vendler discussing the poetry of W.B.Yeats.

Waking Up
The podcast of philosopher and neuroscientist Sam Harris features a mixture of topics from neuroscience and philosophy to religion, violence and human reasoning. Harris explores controversial and complex issues from a rational, evidence-based point of view.

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