Full Programme Announced for EUscreenXL Conference

The full programme for the EU ScreenXL international conference taking place Thursday 30 – Friday 31 October in Rome is now available.


Entitled From Audience to User: Engaging with Audiovisual Heritage Online, the conference is organised by the best practice network for Europe’s audiovisual heritage, EUscreen.

Digital access has changed the ways users can consume and interact with audiovisual heritage materials. For audiovisual archives, it is crucial to engage users in different and meaningful ways. A user-oriented approach helps archives promote valuable online content, increase the visibility of hidden wonders and develop sustainable futures for heritage collections.

The conference agenda draws on the full breadth of knowledge and expertise of the EUscreen network. It has been designed to take the audience on a journey throughout user engagement approaches in audiovisual heritage projects.

The two keynote speakers are Tony Ageh from BBC Archive Development and Katja Bargum from the Finnish Broadcasting Company (YLE).

Plenary sessions with case studies by renowned European- and US-based experts in the field of audiovisual heritage will be held on the following themes:


● Stories and best practices from the AV field

● Tools for reaching users

● User experiences with audiovisual content

Registration for the event is still open and free of charge.

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