Conference – Becoming Scotland: Screen Cultures in a Small Nation

Becoming Scotland: Screen Cultures in a Small Nation

28-29 August 2014
Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh

Questions about Scotland and Scottish-ness seem especially urgent in the lead in to the Independence Referendum on 18 September 2014. Queen Margaret University’s Becoming Scotland conference will explore film and television production in Scotland across fiction and non-fiction genres, with an inclusive approach to medium.

The conference will contextualise film and television production in Scotland within the political, industrial and cultural paradigms of the era, including a consideration of the transnational relationships involved in film and television production in a small nation, and the impact this has upon industry practices and the representation on screen of national and regional identities.

The conference’s approach will be multiperspectival and will take advantage of Queen Margaret University’s geographical location near Edinburgh, combining academic research with practitioner participation, in order to enable a multi-faceted exploration of Scotland’s screen cultures.

To download the provisional schedule in PDF format, click here.

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