August on the Moving Image Gateway

The BUFVC Moving Image Gateway includes over 1,600 websites relating to video, multimedia and sound materials. These have been subdivided into over 40 subject areas. To suggest new entries or amendments, please contact us by email, telephone or visit the Gateway at

Imperial College Video Archive Blog
Colin Grimshaw, who worked in the Imperial College Television Studios for over forty years, maintains this blog, which showcases material from Imperial’s archives. The entries which accompany the videos provide a commentary on the history of the college, as well as an interesting record of the use of moving image technology from the 60s onwards, both in terms of the practical and technical aspects of video production, and in the wider sense of how Imperial pioneered the use of video in science education, as this video of Professor Eric Laithwaite giving a demonstration of a large gyro wheel shows.

The Lab
The charity Alzheimer’s Research UK has created this website to present information about new research and treatment of the disease. It is designed to help families of people with dementia but could be used in various educational contexts. Users navigate a virtual representation of a laboratory where they can find videos, graphics, slides, text giving information about research, risk factors, statistics. There is also a regularly updated News section.

This multi-authored media and film studies blog features the latest news, essays, research and opinion on Latin American, Latino/a and Iberian media culture. It is published by the School of Media, Film and Music at the University of Sussex through REFRAME.

Photosynthesis: Virtual Experiment
Developed by the University of Reading, this online interactive resource enables students to calculate the rate of photosynthesis of the plant Elodea (pond weed). Users drag a slider to move a source of light closer to or further away from the pond weed and then calculate the rate of photosynthesis observing the rate at which the plant produces bubbles.

Selling Democracy: The Films of the Marshall Plan
This resource was developed to accompany a touring programme of a selection of films produced to promote the Marshall Plan. The site, which does not feature any online footage from the films themselves, contains essays, notes and other information about the 280 films which were produced by the Marshall Plan’s Motion Picture Section throughout Europe from 1948-1953. Written by film historian Sandra Schulberg, the site features essays about the plan itself, challenges faced by the filmmakers, the production and distribution process and censorship, as well as notes on the films which were toured and a selection of posters. There is also a bibliography and links to a complete filmography.

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