New on the Moving Image Gateway

The BUFVC Moving Image Gateway includes over 1,450 websites relating to video, multimedia and sound materials. These have been subdivided into   over 40 subject areas. To suggest new entries or  amendments, please contact us by email or telephone or visit  the Gateway at

Bloomberg TV
The website of the financial services, data and media company features audiovisual content on all aspects of business, investment and finance. With production teams in Europe, the USA and Asia, the website has a global reach and can provide 24 hour coverage of the latest financial developments. The Live TV channel is complemented by a broad range of streamed programming, featuring both daily and weekly shows, all of which are freely available to watch online.

Geological Society Podcasts
This series, produced by Earth Science Communicator, Sarah Day, feature geoscientists speaking about their latest discoveries, as well as news about the latest research, and items on the history of geology. There is also coverage of conferences, such as this event in which James Lovelock and Lynn Margulis discuss the Gaia hypothesis, its reception and how it can help scientists and the public to understand the challenges faced by the Earth today. In addition the podcast streams the Shell London Lecture Series, monthly public lectures held at the Geological Society’s Piccadilly apartments in Burlington House.

This arts website features over 80 hours of moving image content, in High Definition video, curated by a group of high-profile artists, writers, critics and patrons, including artist Gavin Turk, film critic Mark Cousins and publisher Jamie Byng. The site covers Art, Music, Literature, Film, Theatre and Dance and consists of footage of performances, rehearsals, readings, film of work-in-progress and interviews. Users need to register but all the content is free to view.

Lithuanian Documentaries on the Internet
In May 2010, with funding from the EU, The Lithuanian Central State Archive began a three year project to preserve and digitise its film and video collections. The results of this initiative are now available to researchers online, in an English language version as well as Lithuanian. The digitised films comprise a representative portion of LCVA’s collection of nearly 9,000 films, including Lithuanian newsreels from 1918-1940, films from the German occupation period, documentaries produced by Lithuanian Film Studio and examples from Lithuanian Television between 1946-1990, as well as a number of excerpts from the first Lithuanian feature films. To make searching easier the films have been organised into a number of different collections, which include a number of thematic categories, such as War Chronicles. An advanced search page lets researchers filter by topic, contributor, place and language. All the films are accompanied by detailed information for cast, credits and synopses, making this a valuable resource for film historians, newsreel researchers and students of Lithuanian culture and language.

Travels in a Mathematical World
This podcast by Peter Rowlett, of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, features mathematicians talking about their work as well as items on maths history and news. The 64 episodes are wide-ranging and cover the practical applications of maths – from air traffic control to systems engineering – as well as pedagogical matters and careers advice for maths students.

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