Semantic Media @ The British Library

British Library Conference Centre
96 Euston Road, London NW1 2DB
23 September 2013

The Semantic Media project aims at establishing an open network uniting research efforts related to the development of novel tools and standards for organizing and navigating in digital media archives. In this context, the British Library as one of the two largest libraries in the world is of particular importance. The collection comprises more than 150 million items from many countries and in many formats (digital and print): books, newspapers, magazines, journals, and manuscripts, as well as sound and music recordings, videos, patents, databases, maps, stamps, drawings and much more. Providing access to these collections the British Library has served researchers for many years. However, with the corresponding data sets expanding exponentially over time, there is an increasing demand for new approaches to making use of these gigantic collections.

Speakers will include:

  • Mark Sandler (Head of School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science, Queen Mary University of London): The Semantic Media Project
  • Richard Ranft (Head of Sound and Vision, BL): Opening Up Audiovisual Collections At The British Library
  • Paul Wilson (Curator, Radio, BL): Radio Archives At The British Library
  • Luke McKernan (Lead Curator, News and Moving Image, BL): The British Library’s News Collections

For further details, visit:

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