Recent additions to the Moving Image Gateway

The BUFVC Moving Image Gateway includes over 1,350 websites relating to video, multimedia and sound materials. These have been subdivided into over 40 subject areas. To suggest new entries or amendments, please contact us by email or telephone or visit the Gateway at

This website, which is hosted by Nottingham University, consists of a series of short videos, each one about a single book of the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. Many of the academics involved are biblical scholars, but the beauty of the site lies in its multifaceted approach, so that as well as theology, it takes in aspects of literature, geography, philosophy, politics, art and science, looking at the Bible in the context of the history of Western civilization.

DIOMEDES (DIstribution Of Multi-view Entertainment using content aware DElivery Systems) is an EU funded project to investigate and demonstrate new techniques for the compression and delivery of 3D immersive entertainment for home viewing. A collaboration led by the University of Surrey, the project involves academic institutions, research bodies and the television industry. The website features a number of videos explaining the background to the initiative and demonstrating how 3D media capture works.

This video sharing website has a large collection of high quality ultrasound scans and echocardiographs. Aimed at cardiologists, anaesthetists, radiologists and medical students, the site makes it easy for users to upload and share their own videos as well as to discuss what other users have uploaded. The videos feature brief descriptions, as well as comments from other users and are grouped into different categories or Channels to make searching easier. The Educational Channel features scans suitable for use as exemplars in teaching, whereas on the Diagnosis Needed page, users post videos of conditions where identification is unclear.

Earth Institute
Columbia University’s Earth Institute has a series of video channels featuring films, lectures, panel discussions and interviews reflecting the institute’s multidisciplinary approach to promoting sustainable development. The expertise of the institute is in the earth sciences, with the aim of applying this to problems in public health, poverty, energy, ecosystems, climate, natural hazards and urbanization. The video channels are divided into subject areas, including Water, Climate, Sustainable Development and Millennium Villages

New York Times Book Review Podcast
Archive of weekly book reviews going back to 2006. Presented in a magazine format, the podcast features reviews of recently published books as well as updates on the publishing world and interviews with authors.

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