Latest additions to the Gateway
Published: 7 September 2012The BUFVC Moving Image Gateway includes over 1,200 websites relating to video, multimedia and sound materials. These have been subdivided into over 40 subject areas. To suggest new entries or amendments, please contact us by email or telephone or visit the Gateway at
African Film Library
Set up with the aim of providing access to a core collection of the continent’s cultural cinematic heritage, African Film Library offers feature films, dramas, reality shows, talk shows and documentaries, available on a pay per view basis. Non-registered users can browse the site view and view trailers. The site can be searched by title, director, country, language and genre. Among the filmmakers represented are Senegalese directors Ousmane Sembene and Djibril Mambety, Egyptian filmmaker Youseff Chahine and US based Ethiopian director Haile Gerima.
First World War Poetry Digital Archive
An indispensable resource for those studying the poetry of the First World War, this hugely comprehensive website is based around a core collection of primary material by major poets of the era, including digitised correspondence, poetry manuscripts and notebooks from writers including Wilfred Owen, Edward Thomas, Isaac Rosenberg, Robert Graves and Vera Brittain. Contextual material includes over 150 downloadable video clips consisting of material from the last three years of the war, from the Western and Home Fronts as well as modern day recordings of notable sites in France and Belgium. Audio material encompasses interviews with veterans and a series of podcasts featuring talks and interviews with key thinkers on the literature of the war and the war in general. An Education section directs teachers, school users and those in higher education how to get the best from the resource.
Gallery of Prosthodontic Procedural Technique Videos
A collection of over thirty videos showing procedures and techniques in pre-clinical fixed prosthodontics. The site is part of the University of Minnesota School of Dentistry and includes an interactive study guide. The videos break down lengthy dental procedures into smaller clips to facilitate learning and are intended for first and second year dental students learning the procedures for the first time and also for third and fourth years students reviewing their skills.
Sloan Science and Film
Site supported by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation which is dedicated to ‘exploring the intersection of science and film’. The core of the site is a collection of short science-themed film dramas. There is also a selection of writings on the representation of science and scientists in films and a small selection of filmed interviews with filmmakers, including this discussion with Darren Aronofsky and Ari Handel about Science and Fantasy in ‘The Fountain’.
Smarter Every Day
Popular science channel hosted by Youtube in which presenter Destin ‘explores the world through science’, combining a chatty presentational style with a serious look at the science behind various everyday phenomena. A recent example looks at the physics of why falling cats always land on their feet.
Other videos use high-speed cameras to analyse the behaviour of viscous liquids, the eyesight of birds of prey and the aerodynamics of a hummingbird’s flight.
Virtual Training Suite
This website offers free tutorials aimed at helping those in higher education develop internet research skills. The site includes three online tutorials created in conjunction with JISC Digital Media, designed to help students, teachers and support staff to find, evaluate and use still images, audio, and video and moving image material, considering in the process questions of copyright and licensing, as well as more technical/practical questions of usage and application and also giving pointers to sites which provide content with the education sector in mind, such as itunes U. In addition to the general tutorials, users can follow tutorials tailored to their particular subject, with information on publications, electronic journals, bibliographic databases, online library catalogues, audiovisual resources, academic organisations, conferences and social media.