Take part in our latest short survey

As part of the BUFVC’s Shared Services Project (funded by HEFCE) we are running a very short survey to examine the scope and specification for a shared streaming service for HEIs and FEIs to upload their own productions/videos/sound files.

We envisage that this would work in a similar way to BoB National, which delivers an off-air recording service. At present there is no funding for this service but we are interested in examining its feasibility and also gauge interest from users within HE and FE.

Take the survey here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/bufvcstreamingservice

The survey is only 5 pages long with 10 short questions and should take no more than 5-10 minutes to complete. 

Any data collected by the BUFVC through this questionnaire will only be used for the purpose of the survey and the associated project. Personal details submitted on this survey will not be published or passed onto third parties. Submission of data is done securely using SSL under the security provisions offered by surveymonkey.com

If you have any questions please contact Hetty Malcolm-Smith, Shared Services Project Manager: hetty@bufvc.ac.uk or call 020 7393 1521

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