BUFVC membership rates 2012-2013

Membership of the BUFVC has remained at the same fee level for the last two years, as we understand that many institutions are having to deal with institutional budget cuts.

This year, as our costs have risen, it has been necessary to review our rates for the 2012-2013 membership year. We are however, happy to announce only a slight increase of 1.5% (half the consumer price index); a £7 increase to the standard membership rate (incl. VAT).

For example:

  • Standard ordinary membership last year was £493 and is now £500 (incl. VAT)
  • BoB National membership upgrade had not changed since its launch in 2009 – previously at £5,000 plus VAT, it is now £5,075 plus VAT

Details regarding all updated membership fees and a comprehensive list of BUFVC membership benefits, can be found here.

Membership fees are due to be paid in August; a letter and invoice will be sent by post to the first representative we have on record.

If you require invoices to be paid using a purchase order number, please raise this now and send it as soon as possible via post (Membership, BUFVC, 77 Wells Street, London W1T 3QJ), email or fax: 020 7393 1555

We look forward to continuing to provide good value and new resources for our members.

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