Recent Gateway updates

The Bioscope
This indispensable resource is devoted to the world of early and silent cinema and is one of the busiest and most successful available on the web. Mixing scholarship, news and conference reports as well as reviews, it provides a wealth of information about the silent era worldwide. The site, along with almost daily updates, includes a comprehensive listing of books on the subject, details of home video availability and much useful information on upcoming events. A true labour of love.

The Faculties
Provides free, short videos/podcasts of university lecturers speaking on topics that are covered in the A-level curriculum of all the major exam boards. In bringing the expertise of research scholars into the classroom, the aim is to stretch and challenge students, help them excel in their assessments, inspire deeper learning, and smooth the transition from school to university. There are discipline-specific sites for maths, English, biology, chemistry, history and psychology. Some of the videos also provide guidance on choosing a university department that’s right for the individual student and show them what sort of careers might follow a degree in that discipline.

Focus Forward Films
Over the first six months of 2012 the Focus Forward website will build up a series of thirty 3-minute films, by internationally renowned documentary filmmakers, highlighting exceptional people and world-changing ideas that have had an impact on the course of human development, or have the potential to do so in the next generation. The subjects will encompass everything from medical advances to economically viable “green”-powered homes to the development of wireless technologies in Third World countries, as well as innovations in transportation and healthcare, gene therapy and waste management, or any other sphere of art and knowledge that inspires them.

Le Pianographique
The Continuum Project allows you to convert your computer keyboard into a mixing board, creating a montage of music and animated images as each key is pressed.

Screen Plays: Theatre plays on British Television
The Screen Plays: British Theatre on Television Project is based at the Centre for Research and Education in Arts and Media (CREAM) in the School of Media, Arts and Design at the University of Westminster and runs from June 2011 to May 2014. Funded by the AHRC, the Project is concerned with all plays written for the theatre that have been produced for British television since 1930. It will publish a database of these productions, a book and journal articles, and will organise screenings, conferences and other events. This blog features news of the project’s activities, with reviews, research discoveries, drafts of ideas, etc. for discussion.

UK Web Archive
This resource is based at the British Library. It collects, makes accessible and preserves web resources of scholarly and cultural importance from the UK domain. As of February 2012 nearly 10,000 websites have been archived there. Contributors to the UK Web Archive seek permission from the website owner for every website it archives, despite this being costly and time-consuming. Users can see how a website has evolved over time by accessing the snapshots (‘instances’) that the archive takes at regular intervals. The archive is free to view, accessed directly from the Web itself and, since archiving began in 2004, has continued to grow at a rate of several hundred per month. Sites can be searched by name and category and viewed in a number of dynamic visualisations including N-grams, tag clouds and 3-D walls. Users can also nominate sites for inclusion.

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