Jisc Digifest 2016: 2 to 3 March 2016

Digifest 2016 is a celebration of the power of digital.

At Digifest, you’ll be able to debate and consider the critical issues affecting digital – the what, the why, the how.

You’ll be able to hear more about what’s on the horizon, and be inspired by the innovation that digital is making possible. And you’ll leave with something to share with others, to put into practice and to maximise the power that digital can bring to you.

To register click here.

Who should attend
If you are a middle or senior manager, in an academic, curriculum, organisational support or technical role, in a UK higher or further education organisation, then Digifest 2016 is for you.

There are now only limited places left so remember to book while you can!

Filming at Jisc Digital Festival ©Jisc and Matt Lincoln / CC BY-NC-ND

Filming at Jisc Digital Festival ©Jisc and Matt Lincoln / CC BY-NC-ND

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