Media Screen Roundup – October 2014

The monthly roundup of film and television publications compiled by Simon Baker, Institute of Historical Research, & published here at the BUFVC by Linda Kaye.

There is a definite widespread historical feel to this month’s Roundup. The classical world is represented by a chapter “Screen Classics” in J.P. Toner’s Homer’s Turk : How Classics Shaped Ideas of the East. The Renaissance is represented by “Marlow at the movies” in Emily Bartels’ Christopher Marlowe in Context, and Richard Greene is covered in Jenny Sager’s The Aesthetics of Spectacle in Early Modern Drama and Modern Cinema : Robert Greene’s Theatre of Attractions. The latter offers a new approach to the study of early modern drama arguing that Greene’s plays are innovative in their use of spectacle using the one-to-one analogies between Greene’s drama and modern cinema in order to explore the plays’ stage effects.

Eisenstein’s abandoned film about the Haitian Revolution is explored in Sergei Eisenstein and the Haitian Revolution: “The Confrontation Between Black and White Explodes Into Red”. The Victorian period is represented by Lightman’s Evolution and Victorian Culture and the chapter, “Early cinema and evolution”. And Melvyn Stokes covers a swathe of history in American History through Hollywood Film: From the Revolution to the 1960s.

A short, but informative, article on an item in the Worker and Warfront cinemagazine appears in the journal Llafur entitled, “Fit to Work”: The Talygarn Rehabilitation Centre by Anne Borsay

Media Screen Roundup (Oct 2014) IHR-BUFVC (290KB PDF)

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