Call for Papers: From Theatre to Screen – and Back Again!

This one-day conference to be held in Trinity House, De Montfort University, Leicester, 19 February 2014, seeks to examine the phenomenal success of theatrical adaptations of cinema, such as such as Dirty DancingThe Full Montyand Top Hat, film adaptations of theatre, such as Les MiserablesMama Mia and War Horse, as well theatrical productions whose success can be attributed, in part, to a range of cinematic, televisual and literary intertexts.

Theatre has influenced narrative choices and styles of performance from the early years of cinema with companies such as Vitagraph using Shakespeare to gain cultural credibility for the medium. The growing practice of broadcasting theatrical events ‘live’ heightens awareness of the distinct nature of viewing experiences. Questions might be asked about the merits of theatrical, cinematic and televisual adaptations and the extent to which they extend and challenge considerations of the ‘original’.

Papers are invited on relevant aspects of theatre, film and television. Topics might include audience, authenticity, collaboration, cultural contexts, genre, identities, ideology, location or time-period.Abstracts for papers (200 words maximum) should be sent to and by the 4th November 2013.

It is hoped that a special issue of the journal, Adaptation (OUP), will be published following the conference.

The registration fee is £50 (concessions £30). Booking details available here.

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