Survey: Digital TV and HOH audiences in Wales

This survey is hosted at Swansea University and funded by Action on Hearing Loss, BBC Wales, Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol and S4C. Through this study, we hope to gain a better understanding of the benefits that digital television has brought to viewers in Wales, and the possible barriers to enjoying television services that affect viewers with hearing impairments.

We are aiming to gather responses from viewers with hearing impairments who rely on subtitles, lip reading, hearing aid(s), or sign languages in watching television. Respondent could win one of five £20 shopping vouchers by completing this survey!

The survey (in English) is here:
And the Welsh version could be found here:

If you or anyone you know would like to complete a paper survey, please contact us directly at and we’ll a copy send via post.

Dr. Yan Wu, Dr. Elain Price and Dr. Leighton Evans
Adran Astudiaethau Gwleidyddol a Diwylliannol / Department of Political and Cultural Studies
Prifysgol Abertawe / Swansea University

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