Audiovisual citation guidelines

Have you ever wondered how to cite a television advert? Or what about an extra from a DVD? Do you ever need to provide advice to students or contributors about how to reference audiovisual content within their own work? We’ve published a pioneering set of guidelines to help answer all these questions and more. 

The newly launched guidelines are practical, accessible and applicable to a wide range of different users across all disciplines. They encourage best practice in citing any kind of audiovisual item and cover film; television programmes; radio programmes; audio recordings; DVD extras; clips; trailers; adverts; idents; non-broadcast, amateur and archive material; podcasts; vodcasts; and games.

In the era of YouTube, podcasts and videocasts it’s crucial for students, researcher and academics alike to be able to cite sources clearly and ensure references can be traced back unambiguously.

A free interactive version of the guide is available to download:

Join the Twitter discussion @LearnonScreen #AVCitation

To find out more about the project, visit the AV Citation project page.

The press release is available here.

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