Media Screen Roundup – January 2013

The monthly roundup of film and television publications compiled by Simon Baker, Institute of Historical Research, & published here at the BUFVC by Linda Kaye.

Simon’s Highlights

Of note in this month’s Media and Screen Roundup is the Journal of European Popular Culture and the special issue entitled, Jews in British Cinema, complemented nicely by Bernardi’s, Hollywood’s Chosen People: the Jewish Experience in American Cinema. And to add a Welsh perspective Paul O’Leary discusses anti-Semitism in Solomon & Gaenor. Other highlights include Lisa Mundey and her American Militarism and Anti-militarism in Popular Media, 1945-1970 and Barry Forshaw’s British Crime Film: Subverting the Social Order. Also Quentin Outram manages to debunk the tale about Margot Asquith and Jean Harlot (the “t” is silent – as in harlot) proving that they actually never met.

Linda’s Highlights

A couple of new perspectives on Second World War staples stand out for me. Jo Fox’s assessment of the careless talk campaign and Ulrike Wenkel’s chapter on the real and fictional roles of atrocity footage in Reassessing the Nuremberg Military Tribunals by Priemel and Stiller. On a lighter note, the journal The Sixties provides two articles that re-examine familiar television programmes within a socio-political context ‘Liberals in Space: the 1960s Politics of Star Trek‘ by Mike O’Connor and . ‘“Have You Understood Anything I’ve Said?”: The Dick Cavett Show, Jimi Hendrix, and the Framing of the Black Counterculture in 1969’ by Daniel R. McClure.

Media Screen Roundup (Jan 2013) IHR-BUFVC (164kb PDF)

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