BUFVC response to IPO Copyright Consultation

On 21 March the BUFVC submitted its response to the Intellectual Property Office’s Consultation on Copyright as part of the follow-up to the publication of the Hargreaves Report in 2011. For details of progress at the IPO visit their website at:

The BUFVC’s response has been prepared through formal consultation with the Trustees of the BUFVC (there are eleven Trustees elected by member representatives from universities and colleges, and two appointed Trustees including one appointed direct by the Higher Education Funding Council for England on behalf of the Joint Funding Councils). In addition to consultation with the Trustees, the response is backed up by data derived from a survey of all Institutions of Higher Education in the UK and all BUFVC member Institutions of Further Education.

The government’s formal response is due to be published in June.

To download a PDF (300kB) of the BUFVC response, click here.

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