Online artists’ videos on Egypt

The LUX website is currently hosting an online exhibition of three short artists’ films about Mubarak and the Egyptian presidency: The President – Remix. In recent years a number of artists have started to salvage or restage archival images of the three long-term Egyptian presidents Nasser, Sadat and Mubarak and critically explore the relationships between memory, event, authority and representation. They showed great courage in addressing the contemporary situation in Egypt and Mubarak’s reign, and the works have taken on new significance in the light of recent events.

VISIONS OF A CONTAMINATED MEMORY (Khaled Hafez, 2007, 6 minutes) listens to the merged echoes of personal and political memories of previous Egyptian presidents and the current situation.

ON PRESIDENTS & SUPERHEROES (Khaled Hafez, 2009, 4 minutes) shows an ancient Egyptian Anubis figure taking a walk through present-day Cairo and suggestively recites Nasser’s famous resignation speech from 1967. The film was censored from an exhibition in Cairo in February 2010.

THE NEW FILM (Raed Yassin, 2008, 12 minutes)  is an indirect portrait of President Mubarak through the history of Egyptian cinema from the last thirty years.

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