IPR for Education course free online

openSpace is University College Falmouth’s platform for making teaching materials free to learners all over the world through Creative Commons. They have launched a new online course for educators on the use of Intellectual Property. You can visit their homepage at: http://openspace.falmouth.ac.uk/

Intellectual Property Rights for Educational Environments (IPR4EE) is free and is aimed at staff involved in developing online and/or open learning and teaching resources. IPR4EE is a 30 credit, postgraduate module that introduces and builds awareness of aspects of intellectual property rights (IPR) and copyright within course design – and development linked to the Professional Standards Framework. The module is aimed to be used to educate lecturers and academics who are responsible for designing, developing and delivering courses and curricula. The 30-credit unit is designed along three strands for repurposing and delivering as 10, 20 and 30 credit blocks.

The IPR4EE course is an Open Educational Resource (OER) project funded by HEFCE and supported by JISC and the Higher Education Academy. It seeks to raise awareness of IPR and copyright within the context of designing, developing and delivering course materials.

For further information, visit Falmouth’s site here.

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