Latest Gateway additions and updates

Here are some of the updates and additions that we have made to the Moving Image Gateway this week, featuring a sprinkling of science, maths, EFL teaching, medical science and acoustic ecology.

More or Less
The complete archive of BBC/OU programmes broadcast on Radio 4 from 2003 onwards is permanently available on the More or Less series website. Each programme takes one or two topical news items and analyses the relevant data from a mathematical point of view, looking at the statistics behind the issues and the claims made about them. As usual, more recent titles in the series are also available via the BBC iPlayer or as podcasts.

Cambridge University Press: Professional English Online
Professional English Online is aimed particularly at teachers and trainers of business English and English for Specific Purposes (ESP). The site hosts a blog and a section containing podcasts and vodcasts of interviews with leading teachers and writers on a wide range of subjects including English for nursing, complaining in English, and cultural awareness. At the end of 2010 the site was relaunched to incorporate more interactive features so it is now possible to comment on the blogs, podcasts and other material and rate their relevance.

Stanford Health Video Library
The Stanford Health Video Library features around 50 videos of prominent doctors presenting the latest health research in their area of specialism, suitable for use in patient education. Recent programmes cover coeliac disease, macular degeneration, robotic surgery for cancer treatment, and percutaneous aortic valve replacement. The videos are between thirty and sixty minutes long and are streamed as Quicktime or Windows Media Player files, as well as being available for sale on DVD. Some are also available via iTunes.

Save our Sounds
SaveOurSounds_logoAa project co-ordinated by the World Service, it aims to build a sound map of the world by asking listeners to send in recordings of sounds from their regions, particularly ones that might be in danger of disappearing. The site includes a couple of Discovery programmes featuring a range of experts concerned with acoustic ecology in the urban soundscape, as well as tips on how to make recordings. The sounds that are gathered will be made available on demand or as podcasts.

Science sees Further
To celebrate the range of scientific issues discussed during the Royal Society’s 350th anniversary year the Science Sees Further website has been set up. It offers all those interested in science an opportunity to look at the key scientific issues of today, and those of tomorrow. The site is arranged in 12 chapters based on the subjects of the year’s discussion meetings – the ageing process, biological diversity, cognition and computation, cultural diversity, extra-terrestrial life, geoengineering, global sustainability, greenhouse gases, new vaccines, stem cell biology, uncertainty in science, and web science. Each section comprises an attractive subject summary (authored by the meeting organisers), short historical context using material from the Society’s Centre for History of Science, as well as interactive audio and video material.

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