Understanding the annotation process: annotation for big data

Title: Understanding the annotation process: annotation for big dataROUNDABOUT_1963_pic_1

Funded by: Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC)

Partners: University of Sheffield, Glasgow Caledonian University

Duration: 2014

Key objectives:

  • Provision of moving image content for video aspect of research

Staff: Linda Kaye, Research Executive, e-mail: linda@bufvc.ac.uk, tel: 020 7393 1518

Summary (and why is BUFVC involved)

The project, “Understanding the Annotation Process: Annotation for Big Data”, aims to investigate how we can efficiently and with the least effort create training sets which can be used by automatic techniques to learn from. The project has three main research questions:
– How do human assessors judge and assess text documents, images, and videos?
– What are the main factors which affect assessor performance (e.g. accuracy, speed, etc.)?
– What material is most easy for human assessors to judge, and which will also give the best “bang for the buck” when used as input to a machine learning system?

BUFVC will provide a data set, from the Roundabout collection (courtesy of the BFI) to facilitate research into the moving image aspect of the project.


University of Sheffield news