A History of Women in the British Film and Television Industries

Title: A History of Women in the British Film and Television Industries

Funded by: Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC)BECTU-res4web

Partners: University of Newcastle, BECTU

Duration: 2014 – 2017

Key objectives:

  • Creation of contextualized online resource of digitized BECTU applications forms

Staff: Virginia Haworth-Galt, Chief Executive, e-mail: ceo@bufvc.ac.uk, tel: 020 7393 1500

Summary (and why is BUFVC involved)

This new study of the history of women who worked in the British film and television industries explores the contribution women made in the years from 1933 to 1989. It draws on archive sources held by the union BECTU and first-hand accounts from women themselves.

BUFVC’s specific role is to digitize and transcribe key fields from 67,000 application forms submitted, and accepted for membership by BECTU. The forms and data will then form the focus of a contextualized online resource.


A History of Women in British Film and Television
University of Newcastle project website

British Entertainment History Project (formerly the BECTU History Project)
The British Entertainment History Project (formerly the BECTU History Project) is a collection of oral history recordings made with practitioners in the film, television, radio and theatre worlds.