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Press conference in Kampala, featuring UK Prime Minister James Callaghan and Idi Amin, President of Uganda. They discuss past visits to one another’s countries including memories of Cardiff. Amin also...
Report from Washington on the surrender of the Cambodian Government to the Khmer Rouge forces led by Pol Pot. America had been giving weapons to help the government keep fighting, but after its surrender...
Speech by US President Gerald Ford to the National Press Club, on the New York City budget crisis and his fears that supplying economic support may pave the way for others cities or states to claim the same.
Rhodesian Prime Minister Ian Smith speaks to press at the Geneva conference to confirm the Kissinger agreement for black majority rule. He denounces the lack of organisation and progress and calls for...
State of the Union address by President Gerald Ford, during the USAâs Bicentennial year, about his pledge to help Angola, whether or not that means using military force. He also speaks about the state...
Brian Hayes interviews Charles Colson, Chief Counsel to President Richard Nixon, about the Watergate affair.
United Press International Audio Network presents 1976 in Review, a documentary on the events of America’s bicentennial year 1976, and the impact the national and international events of that year had on...
Speech by Senator Jimmy Carter after accepting the Democratic Party Presidential nomination on 15/7/76. Volume level very low.
Peter Sharp reports on controversial remarks made by US President Gerald Ford where he claimed that Eastern Europe was not under Soviet control, a blunder which could cost the Republican Party Polish...
Interview with former US Congressman and son of the war-time President, Franklin D. Roosevelt, on Georgia Governor Jimmy Carter’s electoral campaign for President. Also if the Concorde supersonic aircraft...
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