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Report on continuing labour dispute at Grunwick. We hear strikers shouting scab at workers entering Grunwick factory, defying the 10-month strike. Speaking are Cyril Shaw, strike leader, to Ron Hay, Chief...
Arthur Scargill speaks to the press of the arrest at Heathrow of Yorkshire Miner editor Maurice Jones, who was returning from East Germany. Jones had been seeking political asylum there due to police threats...
Report by Paul Woodley on Yorkshire Miner editor Maurice Jones’ court appearance and conditions of his release following his arrest as he re-entered the country from political asylum in East Germany....
Report from a first anniversary event at Alexandra Palace in north London, to commemorate the start of the continuing Grunwick factory dispute in Cricklewood. Kamlesh Gandhi of union APEX interviewed on...
Interview with Assistant Chief Constable, William Donaldson explaining police action in Ladywood, Birmingham, UK during a National Front demonstration and counter-demonstration in 08/77.
A woman rape victim, Fiona, phones in to the Brian Hayes show to talk about rape, the effect it had on her past relationships, menâs attitude to rape, police attitudes and the need for people to talk...
Peter Taylor defending his decision to make a This Week television programme on the alleged ill treatment of suspects by the Royal Ulster Constabulary, and speaking of the increasing difficulty of making...
Interview with solicitor David Gray on an internal police investigation into the killing of Liddle Towers while in police custody. Interviewer not heard. Sound quality poor.
Interview with Stanley Uys, political editor of the Johannesburg Sunday Times, on the death of black South African journalist Steve Biko (12/09/77) and the government report into the death in police custody....
Paul Woodley reports on the death of a young dentist, Hoosen Haffejee, in South Africa whilst in police custody and the outcry surrounding the circumstances. Includes interviews with Danish forensics expert...
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