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Andrew Manderstam reports on a press statement made by US President Ronald Reagan condemning the announcement by the Polish government of a state of martial law in the country on 13 Dec 1981 and commenting...
Interview with a male speaker (not identified - poss. Alec Douglas-Home, former UK Prime Minister and Foreign Secretary) about European and American responses to the announcement of martial law in Poland on...
Report on the condition of Solidarity trade union leader, Lech Walesa, in Poland following his arrest and the imposition of martial law on 13/12/81. Includes interviews with British photographer, Mike...
Andrew Manderstam reports on a request by Romuald Spasowski, Polish ambassador to Washington, for political asylum in the US following the imposition of martial law in his country on 13 Dec 1981. Includes...
Interview about the disappearance of his Polish father and mother on a visit to Poland following the declaration of martial law in the country on 13 Dec 1981. Male British speaker and female interviewer not...
Douglas Cameron interviews a male Polish speaker (not identified) about the declaration of martial law in the country on 13 Dec 1981 and what the West should now be doing.
Report on a demonstration in Hyde Park, London, protesting against the banning of the Solidarity trade union in Poland and the imposition of martial law by the authorities (20/12/81). Speaking are Shirley...
Press interview with TUC General-Secretary, Len Murray, about the banning of the Solidarity trade union in Poland by the Polish authorities, following his meeting with Foreign Secretary Lord Carrington...
Report on a church mass in London following the declaration of martial law and the banning of the Solidarity trade union in Poland. Includes sermon by Cardinal Basil Hume. Male reporter not identified.
Interview with a male speaker (not identified) about an appeal by the Polish Red Cross to the League of Red Cross societies in Geneva following the imposition of martial law in Poland. Male interviewer not...
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